What is a Good Age to Get a Facelift?

Dr. Andrew Jacono Reviews

February 14, 2023


 There is no fixed age at which you should consider a facelift. Everyone ages differently due to genetics and a wide variety of lifestyle factors. Wrinkles, crow’s feet, and sagging skin are red flags that the years are starting to take their toll. Fortunately, cosmetic procedures like facelifts can help.

Age is a factor

As you age, your skin will lose its firmness and elasticity, which causes wrinkles to form. These changes can be exacerbated by sun damage, smoking, stress, and genetics. Surgical treatments such as a facelift can help correct these issues.

A facelift is a great way to restore a youthful appearance and improve facial contours. It can also address sagging skin in other areas of the face for complete rejuvenation.

Choosing the right age for your facelift is important, and it depends on several factors. Some people choose to wait until they are in their 40s or 50s. This is because a facelift will produce more dramatic results at this age.

But if you want to preserve the effects of a facelift, it is best to schedule your surgery as early as possible. This will help ensure you get the most out of your results and avoid repeat surgeries later. These can include a mini facelift, eyelid lift, or browlift.

Some of these treatments can be combined into a facelift so that the procedure can provide even better results. It would help if you discussed these options with your plastic surgeon to determine which is right for you.

A facelift is a very personal procedure. Each person will have different recovery times and post-surgery side effects, so it is crucial to consult with your doctor before you schedule the procedure.

If you are a good candidate for a facelift, you can expect minimal downtime following your surgery. You may experience a little swelling, but this will go away as your body heals.

If you are interested in redefining your facial shape, reducing sagging skin, or softening deep wrinkles, contact us today to book a consultation with Dr. Howland. We will be happy to answer any questions about the procedure and discuss your ideal outcomes.

Age is not a factor

A facelift is a cosmetic surgery that can help you look younger by improving the appearance of your skin, muscles, and tissues. It is one of the most common facial surgeries in the United States, with many patients choosing it to address wrinkles and sagging skin.

As we age, our collagen and elastin production declines. This results in sagging and loose skin on the face, neck, and jawline. A facelift can tighten and reposition the loose skin while also smoothing deep wrinkles caused by volume loss.

The results from a facelift last for an average of 7 to 10 years or longer, though longevity can vary depending on your lifestyle and genetics. However, the best way to keep your new look fresh is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and practice good skin care practices.

Another important factor in a facelift’s success is your surgeon’s skill and technique. A skilled plastic surgeon can lift the skin without overworking the muscles and underlying tissues.This allows for a natural, youthful result that’s subtle and unnoticeable. 

During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will use tiny incisions to redistribute fat, reposition deep tissues, and lift muscles. They may also make an additional incision under your chin to correct the aging signs affecting your neck and jowls. A facelift is an excellent option for patients who want to improve the appearance of their facial skin and muscles but have realistic expectations.