What is a Botanical Garden?

Dr. Andrew Jacono Reviews

September 20, 2022

A botanical garden is a place dedicated to collecting, cultivating, and displaying plants. Most plants in a botanical garden are labeled with their botanical names. The purpose of a botanical garden is to showcase and educate the public about the plants they contain. Whether you are interested in the history of a specific plant or how plants affect the environment, a botanical garden can help you learn more about the subject.

Plant collections

The plant collections at botanical gardens serve several purposes. First, they serve as resource material for systematic research. A plant collection includes a preserved specimen of a specific species or group. It may also include live plants and propagules collected from the wild. In addition, it may contain plants grown in artificial conditions. Secondly, plant collections provide scientific information about the origins and status of the plant material.

Universities and other scientific research institutions generally run botanical gardens. In addition, they often have associated research programs and herbaria. The objective of a botanic garden is to collect and maintain collections of living plants for scientific research, education, conservation, and public display.


The taxonomy of botanical gardens involves the classification of plants. The cultivated plants are grown in carefully controlled conditions, such as in a greenhouse in a botanical garden. Because of their controlled environments, botanical gardens are essential to studying plant taxonomy. Their collections include a range of cultivated and wild plants and are invaluable research tools.

Kew Herbarium maintains authoritative resources on plant and fungal taxonomy. Their database includes taxonomy data, images, descriptions, and distribution information.
Recreational activities

Recreational activities at botanical gardens can be a great way to learn more about the plants and animals you find at the gardens. They provide tours, educational demonstrations, and even hands-on activities that teach visitors about plants and animals. In addition, they often have walking and hiking trails that visitors can explore. Some even offer equestrian trails for horses! Some gardens even have volunteer groups who help maintain the gardens.

Universities or other scientific research organizations operate most botanical gardens. They contain extensive collections of living plants and have associated research programs and herbaria. They provide an excellent opportunity to learn about plants, how to grow them, and what they can do for our health.

Impact on the environment

Botanical gardens play a pivotal role in conserving the environment by collecting and maintaining stocks of native taxa. Their activities also engage local communities by serving as points of outreach. In addition, many botanical gardens offer a unique opportunity to learn about climate change and other environmental issues. Educators can use these collections to teach about plant biology and adaptation to environmental changes.

Approximately 2500 botanic gardens worldwide attract over 300 million visitors a year. In addition to increasing knowledge of plants and their conservation, botanic gardens also provide educational programs to enhance the attitudes and behaviors of visitors. The authors suggest that botanic garden educators create programs relevant to local needs. For instance, gardening lessons may be relevant for disadvantaged youth in low-income neighborhoods. In addition, educational programs should foster community collaborations.

Cost of maintaining a botanical garden

Botanical gardens are expensive to build and maintain. They require special equipment and irrigation systems. Additionally, there are costs associated with hiring a floral decorator and maintaining the plants daily. It is important to keep plants healthy, and proper maintenance is essential to keep plants flourishing.

The cost of maintaining a botanical garden will vary, depending on the purpose of the garden. For example, it may be open to the public, which means it charges admission fees. It may also charge annual memberships or rent the garden for special events. The revenue generated by these activities is used to maintain the garden.

Botanical gardens can play an essential role in conservation efforts, helping to protect endangered species. They can also participate in the development of regional conservation plans and habitat restoration plans.