The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for Facelift Surgery: Dos and Don’ts

Dr. Andrew Jacono Reviews

January 3, 2024

Hydrofoil Surfboards

Undergoing a facelift can be life-changing, helping you restore a youthful appearance and boost your confidence. However, preparing for facelift surgery involves more than just scheduling an appointment. Proper preparation is crucial for a successful outcome and a smooth recovery. This ultimate guide will explore the dos and don’ts to ensure you are well-prepared for your facelift surgery.

Research Thoroughly

Before deciding to undergo a facelift, educate yourself about the procedure. Understand the different techniques, potential risks, and expected outcomes. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions and communicate effectively with your surgeon.

Choose a Board-Certified Surgeon

Selecting a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is paramount. Ensure your surgeon is board-certified and has a track record of successful facelift procedures. Request before-and-after photos of previous patients to gauge the surgeon’s skill and expertise.

Open Communication with Your Surgeon

Establish a transparent and open line of communication with your surgeon. Discuss your expectations, concerns, and any medical history that might impact the procedure. A thorough conversation will help you and your surgeon align on realistic goals and outcomes.


  • Follow Preoperative Instructions
    Your surgeon will provide specific preoperative instructions to follow. These may include guidelines on medication, alcohol, and smoking restrictions. Adhering to these instructions is crucial to minimize the risk of complications during and after surgery.


  • Arrange for Support
    Facelift surgery requires some downtime for recovery. Before the procedure, arrange for someone to assist you with daily activities, such as grocery shopping, cooking, and transportation. Having a support system will contribute to a smoother and stress-free recovery.


  • Prepare Your Home
    Set up a comfortable recovery space at home. Stock up on necessary supplies, including soft foods, pillows for elevation, and entertainment options to keep you occupied during the initial recovery days.


  • Undergo Necessary Preoperative Medical Tests
    Your surgeon may recommend specific medical tests before the facelift surgery to ensure you are in optimal health. Follow these tests to identify and address potential health concerns beforehand.


  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
    Leading a healthy lifestyle is essential in the weeks leading up to your facelift. Eat nutritious meals, stay hydrated, and exercise regularly to promote overall well-being, contributing to a faster and more effective recovery.


  • Plan for Postoperative Care
    Schedule follow-up appointments with your surgeon for postoperative care. Discuss the expected recovery timeline, potential side effects, and any concerns you may have during these appointments.


  • Educate Yourself About the Recovery Process
    Familiarize yourself with the typical recovery process after a facelift. Understand common side effects, such as swelling and bruising, and learn techniques to manage discomfort and promote healing.


  • Avoid Rushed Decisions
    Deciding to undergo a facelift should not be impulsive. Take the time to research and consider the potential benefits and risks thoroughly. Avoid making rushed decisions that you may later regret.


  • Do Not Disregard Preoperative Restrictions
    Your surgeon will provide a set of preoperative instructions for a reason. Disregarding these instructions, such as continuing to smoke or taking prohibited medications, can increase the risk of complications during and after surgery.


  • Don’t Skip the Consultation
    The initial consultation with your surgeon is a crucial step in the process. Skipping or paying attention to this step may result in misunderstandings about the procedure, expectations, and potential outcomes.


  • Avoid Extreme Diets
  • Crash diets or extreme changes in your eating habits before surgery can negatively impact your body’s ability to heal. Maintaining a balanced and healthy diet ensures your body has the nutrients for recovery.


  • Do Not Overcommit Before Surgery
    Avoid overcommitting to social or work-related activities in the weeks leading up to your facelift. Give yourself the time and space needed for both physical and emotional preparation.


  • Avoid Sun Exposure
    Prolonged sun exposure can lead to skin damage and hinder the healing process. Minimize sun exposure and use sunscreen to protect your skin in the weeks leading up to your facelift surgery.

Do Not Overlook Emotional Preparation

While physical preparation is vital, emotional readiness is equally important. Be prepared for the emotional aspects of the recovery process, including changes in your appearance and potential feelings of vulnerability.


  • Don’t Hesitate to Ask Questions
    Do not hesitate to ask your surgeon if you have any doubts or concerns. Clear communication is critical to a successful facelift experience, and your surgeon is there to address any uncertainties you may have.


  • Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco
    Both alcohol and tobacco can have adverse effects on the healing process. Refrain from consuming alcohol and quit smoking in the weeks leading up to the surgery to promote optimal recovery.


  • Do Not Skip Follow-Up Appointments
    Postoperative care is crucial for monitoring your progress and addressing any concerns. Skipping follow-up appointments can hinder the surgeon’s ability to identify and address potential issues early on.

Preparing for facelift surgery requires thorough research, open communication with your surgeon, and diligent adherence to preoperative and postoperative guidelines. By following the dos and don’ts outlined in this ultimate guide, you can enhance your chances of a successful facelift experience and enjoy the rejuvenated, youthful results you desire.